(403) 527-7334


What To Expect
BGSA Radiology makes it a priority to ensure patients are at ease during their ultrasound so here is what you should expect when you come visit our clinic:

  • Please report to the clinic approximately 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
  • Please turn off or mute your phone before arriving.
  • BGSA provides our patients with private change rooms when it is necessary to have you change into one of our gowns for the exam you are having.
  • Preparation for adults and children is different, our preparations can be found  below.
  • Depending on the area to be examined, patients may require an empty or full bladder.
  • Please ensure you read over the “How to Prepare” section below, and understand what is required for the examination before visiting the clinic.
  • If patients do not prepare themselves properly, the examination may be rescheduled.

*Attention Diabetic Patients: If your examination requires you not to eat and your appointment is after 9:30am, please call us at 403-527-7334 for request an earlier appointment.

General Description
Ultrasound transmits high-frequency sound pulses into the internal structures of the body. These pulses are reflected back to the ultrasound machine to create an image. The images are useful to examine many of the body’s internal organs.
More Information
Ultrasounds are most commonly associated with babies and pregnancy, but they can be used for many purposes. They can be used to find the source of pain in the abdomen or pelvis, to look for blood clots, and to evaluate the structure of the heart – to list a few.

Our technologists are certified through Sonography Canada and licensed to practice through the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists.

How To Prepare

Pelvic (Uterus and Ovaries) – FULL Bladder is Needed

  • Drink and eat normally throughout the day.
  • Empty bladder 1.5 hours before exam.
  • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and FINISH, four (4) 8 oz.  glasses of water. (1000 mL)
  • Do not drink any other liquids.
  • Do not empty bladder.
  • If the bladder is not full the examination will be rescheduled.

Renal Duplex Doppler Ultrasound – An EMPTY Bladder is Required

  • The evening before your exam eat a low fat supper. You may have a fat-free snack after supper, but do not eat anything 12 hours before your exam.
  • You may have a glass of water in the morning.
  • You are able to take AM medications
  • If you eat before the exam it will be rescheduled.

Renal (Kidneys and Bladder) – FULL Bladder is Needed

  • Drink and eat normally throughout the day.
  • Empty bladder 1.5 hours before exam.
  • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and FINISH, four (4) 8 oz. glasses of water. (1000 mL)
  • Do not drink any other liquids.
  • Do not empty bladder.
  • If the bladder is not full the examination will be rescheduled.

Obstetrical (Pregnancy) – FULL Bladder is Needed

  • Drink and eat normally throughout the day.
  • Empty bladder 1.5 hours before exam.
  • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and FINISH, four (4) 8 oz. glasses of water. (1000 mL)
  • Do not drink any other liquids.
  • Do not empty bladder.
  • If the bladder is not full, the examination will be rescheduled.

Abdomen – Fasting is required

  • The evening before your exam, eat a low-fat supper. You may have a fat-free snack after supper but do not eat or drink anything other than water after midnight.
  • 30 minutes prior to your exam, drink and FINISH, two (2) 8 oz. glasses of water. (500 mL)  (This gets rid of gas in the bowel that builds up while you sleep).
  • Do not drink any other liquid.
  • You may use the washroom, since a full bladder is not required.
  • If you eat anything before the exam, it will be rescheduled.

Combination exams:

Abdomen/Pelvic, or Abdomen/Pelvic/Renal, or Abdomen/Renal – Fasting AND a FULL Bladder is Needed

  • The evening before your exam, eat a low-fat supper. You may have a fat-free snack after supper but do not eat or drink anything other than water after midnight.
  • On the morning of your exam, empty your bladder 1 ½ hours before the exam.
  • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and FINISH, four (4) 8 oz. glasses of water. (1000 mL)
  • Do not drink any other liquid.
  • Do not empty the bladder.
  • If the bladder is not full, the examination will be rescheduled.

Other Ultrasound Examinations (Breast, Scrotal, Carotid Doppler, Thyroid, Venous Doppler, and Musculoskeletal), do not require any preparation.

Pelvic (Uterus and Ovaries) or Renal (Kidneys and Bladder) – FULL Bladder is Preferred

  • Under 2 years of age – No preparation is necessary
  • 2-6 years of age
    • Eat and drink normally throughout the day.
    • One hour before the appointment, drink and Finish one (1) 8 oz. glass of water. (250 mL)
    • Do not drink any other liquid.
    • Try not to empty the bladder, as this makes for a clearer image.
  • 7-14 years of age
    • Eat and drink normally throughout the day.
    • One hour before the appointment, drink and Finish two (2) 8 oz. glasses of water. (500 mL)
    • Do not drink any other liquid.
    • Try not to empty the bladder, as this makes for a clearer image.

Abdomen – Fasting is required

  • Under 2 years of age – No preparation is necessary
  • 2-14 years of age
    • The evening before the exam, provide a low-fat supper. Your child may have a fat-free snack after supper but do not eat or drink anything other than water after 11:00pm.
    • 30 minutes prior to exam, drink and finish one (1) 8 oz. glass of water. (250 mL)
    • Do not drink any other liquid.
    • They may use the washroom, since a full bladder is not required.

Abdomen/Renal or Abdomen/Pelvic – Fasting AND a FULL Bladder is Preferred

  • Under 2 years of age – No preparation is necessary
  • 2-6 years of age
    • The evening before the exam, provide a low-fat supper. Your child may have a fat-free snack after supper but do not eat or drink anything other than water after 11:00pm.
    • On the morning of the exam, empty the bladder 1 hour before the exam.
    • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and finish one (1) 8 oz. glass of water. (250 mL)
    • Do not drink any other liquid.
    • Try not to empty the bladder, as this makes for a clearer image.
  • 7-14 years of age
    • The evening before the exam, provide a low-fat supper. Your child may have a fat-free snack after supper but do not eat or drink anything other than water after 11:00pm.
    • On the morning of the exam, empty the bladder 1 hour before the exam.
    • Within the next 15 minutes, drink and finish, two (2) 8 oz. glasses of water. (500 mL)
    • Do not drink any other liquid.
    • Try not to empty the bladder, as this makes for a clearer image.
Why do I need to have a full bladder for some exams?
When scanning the pelvic region, we use the bladder as a window, therefore, the fuller the bladder the bigger the window and clearer our pictures.
Are ultrasound exams harmful?
No, there is no evidence to show the ultrasound waves are harmful. They do not use radiation, and therefore prenatal testing can be done using ultrasound technology.
Can I have family members present during my ultrasound?
This time is for you, please find other arrangements for your children during this time so we can give you the attention you deserve.

For Obstetrical exams, we will allow 2 adult family members in the room once the diagnostic part of the exam is complete.  For all other exams, we do not generally allow observers unless there are special circumstances. Please talk to your Sonographer.

Can I take my medications before an ultrasound exam?
Yes, you may, if you are having an exam that requires you to fast, (like an abdomen scan), please be sure to take it with just water.
Will the technologist tell me the results of my exam?
Although we would love to share the results of your exam with you, the Radiologist requires time to review the images thoroughly before dictating the report. It is also important for you to be able to discuss the results with your primary care provider to decide the next course of action should there be one.
Can I take pictures, or will pictures be provided to me?
We do not allow any type of recording device in our exam rooms during your scan.

We will provide you with a few pictures of your baby to show off to your friends and family.  You also have the option to have your complete scan on a memory stick for a small fee.  Please ask at our front desk how you can order one.

Will I find out the gender of my baby at the time of my exam?

We will do our best to determine the gender of the baby, providing baby cooperates (legs are open and in a good position, etc).
When clearly seen, your ultrasound technologist can:

  • verbally tell you (the patient) the gender during the exam
  • write down the gender and give to you in a sealed envelope at the end of your exam
  • with your permission, verbally tell a third party that is present at the time of the ultrasound

or you can find out the gender from your healthcare provider, they will receive the exam report usually within 3 business days.